about me

it's always a balancing act! Santa Monica, 2011.

I am Ivey.

First and foremost, I am Mom to my three sprites - Max, Lewis and Della and wife to my best friend and biggest crush, Matt. I was born in the Deep South and was raised to be very polite and well groomed. I am now a Westerner by choice and am still very polite. We live in Durango, Colorado.

I love reading and writing, art and design, ethnic food, antique swimming pools, libraries, and blue jeans. Coffee is an integral part of my day and, if I could, I'd travel constantly. I tend to look on the bright side of things and often have an irreverent view point that makes me laugh inside. Each and every day I choose Joy.

I have some strong opinions, but don't much care for controversy, so I'll be walking a fine line around here.  I have 'matured' on some of the mothering issues, and on others I am just plain bored. In general, when it comes to raising children I believe in full immersion (nurse till you lose all nipple sensation, co-sleeping...) until they are old enough to comprehend and do a bit for themselves, and then I believe in flinging them out there with as much freedom as possible. I think that the most important job I have as a mom is to believe in my kids. If you want my back story, read here.

I teach reading and art and think that those two things alone, pretty much, can make us successful, vibrant, and joyful human beings! I am big on manners and am sometimes horribly shocked by my own children. You can read about my failings here....with Max and the soup FIASCO! 

My hope for this blog is quite simple. If you check in and find inspiration in the form of a fun project or a funny story or a new recipe, or if you learn something you didn't already know, or were reminded of something that you had forgotten, then I'm good.

I'm glad you're here. Always feel free to comment.... Good or bad, but be polite.

Also, here is me interviewing myself for more odd tidbits. The fun never ends, right?!