June 21, 2011


This is what I love about kids. This very sort of thing. They can find pleasure and amusement in almost anything. They don't need fancy this and that. There is something to be explored and learned at every turn.
My kids are big list makers and 'designers'. They will chart and graph and describe and list and fall away into their own little self made utopia. I found them the other day doing this.

They were quiet for hours. And happy. And they now have a much DEEPER understanding of this lowly coin. And where the hell is '09 and '77. Because they destroyed my home looking for them.

They ain't here, baby.

Ah summer....inside and out....it's all good.

{I am, however, losing the will to cook. What's up with that?}


  1. Move to Kivu...I don't have to cook all summer! It is AWESOME!!!

  2. Oh yah, I know just what you mean. When the dog days of summer hit I run out of motivation. My problem is that it's just to hot to turn on the stove or oven and I just want to eat yogurt all the time, or ice cream.

    I say, gazpacho it is! (if your kids will eat it. mine won't)

  3. I love this list making and categorizing! Your family chronicles refresh us and my grown daughters and I call each other and say "Did you read Durango mom TODAY?!"


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