June 9, 2011

trash or treasure

If I had surplus income I would be a great patron of the arts. I love art and there are so many talented people all around us. As it stands, I pretty much have to make my own or count on my children to turn it out.

Except when the bizarre occurs, as it did this week.

I found not one, not two, but three oil paintings in a trash pile on three different days. And I REALLY like them all! Yes, the stars are lined up in my favor. We were driving down the street and there, propped against a fence in a rubbish heap was this.

I whipped the car around and leaped out. Oh my! It's folksy and cool and down at the bottom it says Mt. Sneffles, which makes it personal. I was beside myself!

The next day I was driving along and wham! Another one.

Freaking Fine Art this time. Look at the clouds and the mountains. Wow. Again, I threw it in reverse, and sent Lew to fetch it.

And yes, you guessed it, the next day, same thing. The kids were all 'not more art, Mom'. As if finding free art on the side of the road is a burden they can no longer shoulder. By this time, I'm contemplating opening a gallery. Look at this one. All moody and modern in a sixties kind of way.

Here they are all together. Do you love the sub-flooring in my bedroom. Matt had a fit and ripped up the carpet. I hope he'll have another one soon and replace it. The yellow chair was a dollar at a yard sale and it's one of my favorite things. Matt recently made me the red desk from some old metal frames. I love it. I sit at it for long stretches of time as I study this dry tome that I am beginning to fully wrap my head around.

Yes, I'll tell you very soon.

Did I mention that there is a nice sized snake loose in the house?

There is.


  1. Yay! (on the free art)
    Cool. (on the yellow chair and red desk)
    What?!! (on the non-profit book)


    YIKES! (on the snake)

  2. Lucky you! Free art, AND it's cool.

    Loving that chair and desk.

  3. Love the desk, the chair AND the paintings--wow what a find! I have never been so lucky! And as far as the snake, it is suppose to be very very good luck to have a snake in the house (according to Japanese folklore)--don't kill it!!! It's not poisonous is it??


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