June 23, 2011

what's for dinner? hell if i know?!

I said it the other day. I am losing the will to cook. I wish I could say that it's so hot that I can't bear to turn on the oven, but that's not the case. It's lovely here. I'm also very tired of cleaning my kitchen right now. I need some sort of zen mantra about the beauty of everyday tasks. About simple acts done with love.

Right at this moment, however, I would diss it. Just as my children diss making their bed because they're only going to mess it up again tonight. I so remember using that one. Is diss a word? Because my spell check is dissing it.

So what does one do when one doesn't feel like cooking or cleaning?

No, this isn't a post on fasting.

You get creative. (which takes more work than actually cooking, as I stop and think about it)

Yesterday I fed Max a cream cheese and hummus sandwich.

Did you make this up? he asked.

I stared at him for a L O N G time. This is where mothering can be fun, if you let it. If you have an imagination that runs wild from time to time and a warped sense of humor.

If I say yes, which is the truth, he is left a little low. Mom is scabbing together weird shit out the fridge again, he thinks.

However. There very well could be a story here. Right?

No dear. It's a classic. It was Big Bill Tilden's favorite and he ate it everyday. Tavern on the Green would run it over to him before his matches with a side of pickled beets.

Who's that, Mom?

Oh, he was a tennis legend in the roaring '20's, quite tall and very good, but he fell out of favor with some bad behavior and squandered his money financing Broadway shows that he insisted on starring in, but he's still considered one of the best to ever play the game. Back then they only played in tennis whites.

That's weird, Mom. Do we have any pickled beets?



  1. Thank you Ivey for giving me my third laugh of the day!

  2. not to sound stalkerish weird but this post made me love you!

  3. you are hilarious Ivey. I scab shit together from the fridge all the time and feed it to my kids.

    My secret in dealing with the lulls I falls into regarding cooking and cleaning is...I just don't do it until I feel inspired again. Ha! The house gets filthy and we eat PB&J's for a few days but it never kills us. Thankfully, my husband is understanding and not a picky eater.

  4. We let our oldest, Betty, make breakfast for herself not too long ago. She made dinner's leftover salmon, Cheerios in milk. "Yum, fish cereal." Can't believe she loved it.

  5. I second Amanda...wonderfully hilarious. :)

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