July 7, 2011

how to bake a rattlesnake

I know. I know. I said I was signing off and I am after this, but today was spent packing and getting ready to go on our trip and....

Well. Sometimes your day goes differently than planned.

This was one of those days.

Long story short, our next door neighbor, Kristin, found a rattlesnake hanging out of her house between the siding and the foundation right next to her front door.  It became necessary to kill him in order to prevent him from disappearing into her house. As soon as it became clear that the snake was going to die, Max claimed the rattles. He then decided that he also wanted to skin the snake, and make something from the skin.


He ran inside, googled 'how to skin a snake', watched a quick video, and was back in a flash with a knife, a piece of wood, and a plan. Please note the innards down on the board. They come into play in a moment.

He chopped off the rattles and pulled the skin off. (The head was gone already.)

He tacked it to a table on the deck and salted it. Lewis, in the meantime, had fully gutted Senor Snake with help from Della and a friend. They found it's little heart, which was still beating, incidentally, and  fully investigated all his parts. '

We should eat it, Mom.' said Lewis.

I have actually been working on a post about how to raise good eaters. I have tried to instill in them the notion that nothing is off limits when it comes to good food. So what was I to do?

Cook a snake, that's what.

It's my turn on Google now, right?

Let me tell you. The snake recipes are limited. No, I'm not making snake chili. That sounds gross. Bake him on low for a long time? I'm not embracing him THAT much. And enough already with the venom information, give me something I can work with, OK?

I found nothing that was appealing. So I made up my own recipe. Let me share my quick and easy sauteed snake recipe. Saute cleaned snake in a bit of butter and olive oil. Add garlic, salt and pepper and lemon juice and sprinkle with fresh chives when meat looks done. That's all. A simple weeknight meal.

They came running when it was done.

Della dressed for the occasion.

There were lots of bones.

They ate every last bite.

Karmically, I think we did right by this snake. I don't ever like the idea of killing an animal needlessly, but there are certainly times when it is necessary. Some cultures believe that the snake is descended from lightening. I like that idea. Max tacked the rattle over his door to ward off bad mojo. I imagine the skin will soon follow. I am NOT making a necklace from his bones as one website suggested. But that does remind me of something that I should share..............

NOW, I'm signing off for real! See you back here in two weeks! 


  1. Ivey. I got a little queasy reading this. Gulp.

    But I do think it's so cool that your kids are adventurous eaters! Also, I fully embrace the idea that it's a form of respect to actually do the killing of the animal you're planning on eating/using.

    And they even got a biology lesson out of it! Dissecting a snake is much cooler than a mail-ordered, pickled frog.

    Now I need to go wash my mouth out with Scope. :)

  2. Also, I do admit that I am a hypocrite because if I had to kill with my own two hands the meat I eat, I would probably be a vegetarian for a long time.

  3. Um, wow. You all are adventurous and courageous!!! I cannot say that I would ever have the guts to do what you all did!! Though in the spirit of learning, anything is possible.

    Have a wonderful time on your trip Ivey!!

  4. What a post to wake up to! My husband was still home this morning so I set my computer on the table while he was eating breakfast, "look at this babe!". Haha! My Marine husband was very impressed with your kiddos :)

  5. hi girls! i will say, in the spirit of full disclosure, that this was all child led. On my own, I would not have come up with all this. But, in general, I'm usually happy to oblige the kiddos when they are on an interesting path. I would have felt bad going all 'yuck' on them. As they got more and more into it, it became more real and less 'Holy Shit, this is a rattle snake-ish".At first, I DID NOT LIKE that snake in my favorite cast iron skillet. But then I ate it. Go figure.

  6. Sigh -- we have a grandson who (as I discovered on camping trip) eats sandwiches, pizza, meat and grapes.

    Great envy!

    Have a great trip -- Susan Stamets

  7. So much to love about this post :) But my favorite is the first picture with Della's bare foot (with painted toes) putting on a rubber glove with the dead rattler on the cutting board. Too much! So sad you'll be on vaca when we head to Durango next week (I was hoping my gang might be able to meet you) but I'll ask Jamie Jo all about you guys! Have fun!

  8. wow! this is gross and cool and amazing.

    you are an awesome mom to see this through for your kids.

    child led is so full and rich. they will never forget this.


  9. Whoa ~ I popped by this morning to see if you had a {this moment} post up yet, and you can imagine my surprise at instead finding a post about "how to bake a snake"!!

    I have given birth to what is quite possibly the World's Pickiest Eater, and I cannot wait until he gets up this morning to show him this. He's probably around the same ages as your boys, so maybe it will hit home with him? If nothing else, then maybe he won't think it's so horrible when I force him to "just try" a bite of meatball!!

    Very interesting post...and btw, what does snake taste like? The proverbial chicken?!?

  10. hi christy!
    he was sort of greasy actually and it did taste like chicken. everyone really liked it, but that might have been due to the garlic and lemon!

  11. Very exciting and cool, but I have been holding a look on my vegetarian face the whole time since I started reading that I will now try to let go of.
    The energy of the snake must have been very potent. I especially like the beating heart part.
    Looking forward to seeing you all next month:) Have a great vacation!

  12. This is so insanely awesome! Where's your gold star? Wow. What a cool, cool memory for your kids to look back on. Thanks so much for documenting this. Rad.

  13. My dad did something like this when I was a baby. He had to kill a rattler that was hanging out under the house and it happened to be the day the my mom was throwing a dinner party. He cooked that snake up, chopped it into little bits and served it to the guests. He only told them after that it was snake, they thought it was chicken. So kudos to you for what you did, that was definitely a cool mommy thing, and did it taste like chicken?

  14. You are brave to eat that! :) We like unusual, but this one, I'll have to take your word on how tasty it was. Love how your daughter is wearing her princess gown while eating snake! :)

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