August 9, 2011

gone surfin'

There's nothing like deciding one morning that you think you need some sand and surf before school kicks back in. It's only a twelve hour drive. Via Las Vegas and, good god almighty, The Excalibur, at thirty two bucks a night. (If you were at one with my train of thought, you would know that all things medieval give me the shivers.)

One last fling before we buckle down.

Hello Manhattan Beach.

Some scheduled posts will appear because I love you and I've already been on vacation, right?

So while they will be Durango based, know that we are, in real time, turning sand out of our bikinis as  we soak up the California sun and surf!

And...HEY YOU!....Yeah You!.....scroll down and enter the awesome give away! Do it, please!


  1. You are my kind of girl. . .let's pack up one weekend this fall and head to San Diego with the kids! So fun! :) Enjoy the beach!


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