September 14, 2011

oh rats

Situation:   Max, age 12, wants a rat. As a pet. Not a hamster, or a gerbil or a guinea pig, but a rat. The kind with a tail.

How do I feel: You know me, I’m open to most things, and if said rat is a member of the family then his ‘rat’ status loses some of it’s gross-ness. Right? Feel free to set me straight on this.

Max’s pros on rat ownership: The rat only costs $3 dollars and he eats cat food, which we already have. They dance(?) and love affection and are the underdog in the vermin kingdom.

Mom’s cons on rat ownership: Three dollars is doable, yes. BUT! I have absolutely no intention of paying good money for a tank, cage, habitat, whatever, at the rat store AND why are we concerned with vermin and their ranking?

Max keeps pushing: Let’s go to the thrift store, OK Mom? He’ll live with me, not in the house.

Shit!:  The thrift store has a lovely habitat and it’s only $2 and Max has a point, he doesn’t live in the house, so the rat will be ‘off site’. I won’t be able to watch him dance(?).

(Have I ever mentioned that one of my beloved children doesn’t live in the house with us? It’s true. He lives out in the yard. More on that soon, because you’re probably curious.)

An urgent warning to all from Max about rats: NEVER feed a rat citrus. It will kill them.

The thought bubble above Mom’s head: oranges...good to know....good to know.

You saw this one coming, right?

He’s sorta cute, isn’t he?

cousin sophie and della
He was a big hit at lacrosse. We let him free range. Max was so thrilled that he had saved him from his previous status as ‘snake food’.

"He’s lucky to have us, right Mom?”

And within 20 minutes, I’m already sentimental about our sweet underdog, Roger.


  1. We had a hamster once and boy did it stink. I've heard that rats are very good pets...affectionate and not as stinky as other rodents. Holli has a snake and just LOVEs him.

  2. Yahooo! Cheers for Roger! Our little Pepper is a sweetheart... she came almost two years ago, and everyone thinks she is grand. Welcome home, Roger!

  3. Rats are awesome - but I really want to hear more about this kid that doesn't sleep in your house.

  4. Rats are wonderful Ivey!!! We have two and we love them! They are so smart, cute and gentle. They don't bite and love to climb on you :). A note to add though, and you may not like it...rats are highly social animals and need to have a companion (we have 2 males). If you want more info, let me know, I can email it to you. Taking care of two though, is really no different than just one...just sayin' :). And watch out for hawks, eagles, etc., you know the flying predators, they swoop and that's it, over and done.

    Excited for your boy!!!
    xx oo

  5. How wonderful you are to allow a rat for a pet. I guess I'm the lone naysayer in the crowd. I live in the country and in the winter we have field mice that come in and try to make a home in my kitchen. Needless to say, I'm not a fan of things with long tails or snakes either, can't forget the snakes. Lots of poisonous snakes on my property! Shudder.xx

  6. Yup. Here's your gold star. I really don't think I could do it, nearly freaked with the guinea pig that came home for a weekend. But you make it sound so dreamy for your lucky kids. I did like that 70s cartoon The Littles. Maybe I could turn a corner on rats. But, our island has the Norway rats that are about 17" long that run up to our home from the ferry terminal... Can't get past those rat cousins...

  7. Yes, tell us where Max lives! And don't forget the pictures. :)

  8. but how will you keep the cats from the rat? inquiring minds want to know where max lives! i'm happy blossom introduced me to your blog :)

  9. Hmmmm, well I may be another naysayer on the rat thing. He is cute, I will have to say but's a rat, is a rat, is a rat!! Keep us updated on Roger Rat!

  10. rats are supposed to be be great. we just got 2 mice (and some hermit crabs). we had mice a few years ago but they all ate each other. it was horrible and bloody. i hope we have better luck this time.

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