October 28, 2011

{this week}

I was minding my own business, sitting at my desk, and looked up from the computer and saw this. The cliffs were glowing from within. I grabbed my camera and ran outside. Does your cat weave between your legs and trip you up? Borrow mine if you want to try it.

Within about forty seconds, the time it takes to curse a kitten, the cliffs were back to their normal handsome selves.

I walked down the driveway because it was too mysterious and lovely to go back in just yet. The November Bon Appetit was in the mailbox. Hot damn. Small pleasures.

I read it in my humble and very dirty kitchen and then had to take this picture out the kitchen window. I love the trees in this state of undress. Almost naked. We say nekkid in the south. Time is running out when the trees look like this. You better savor every minute.

So on Monday morning when the kids were grumbling about going to school, I said ‘let’s play hooky’. Three sets of ears perked up...big time.  We stayed home. Della made her own fall leaves with some tie dye thrown in. Inspiration from Mama Scout. So we can keep fall around for a few more weeks.

We played Monopoly out in the sun. I am so good and have no mercy. I told them both before we started that it’s not OK to cry during a board game. They quit instead and I don’t really blame them.

We took our fall branches inside to accompany my satellite dish fox. Most all of our art is ‘home grown’.

Also in the news:
I found a grandmother clock hanging on a fence for give away....restoring it.
My entire family is gambling on the world series.....there’s a lot of ice cream on the line.
The uber intuitive MJ, told me why I’m all moody this week and it makes perfect sense.....read her comment on this post!
Reading a wonderful old book to my fifth and sixth grade students....set in the Everglades, edgy and real.
Did a fun project in all the first grades at D’s school on centrifugal force...with a salad spinner. Doing it again for L’s class on Monday......will post photos and how-to.
I am swearing by Osha root for my respiratory issues...... and Rachel hooked me up. Thank you, dear!

Hope all is well in your neck of the woods!


  1. beautiful!
    Our moment: http://greenishmonkeys.wordpress.com/2011/10/28/this-moment-14/

  2. I am so jealous of your view, it is breathtaking. I am glad to hear the even though you live in Colorado, you still know the proper pronunciation of words! Nekkid is how we say it!
    Did you see the whole game last night? Very intense and now we have another night!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. It sounds like an amazing week. I'm quite jealous!

    My moment:


  4. Whoa. *That's* the view out your windows? Jealous! And, isn't there something just magical about the light at this time of year? Fall is the reason I'd never want to live anywhere that doesn't experience seasons.

    And yes, there is no better simple pleasure than finding Bon Appetit (or Cooking Light, or Cuisine at Home) in your mail box ~ particularly now that 'comfort food' season is upon us. (I need to stop by cooking mag obsession, btw. It's a little out of control...)

    Enjoy these last few glorious days. (Because, we know what's coming, right?!!)

  5. I want to drive east, east, east. If you asked me about fall color, I could only think to point in the direction of the Taco Bell, where three trees are showing beautiful color... lol.
    Your post is one of my morning's *small pleasures.*

  6. Your week sounds amazing. I love the leaves, and might just have to play hooky to play art with my girls all day. Love it. What beautiful colors amid your cliffs. Great shots.

  7. Colorful views and playful moments. Very special indeed :)


  8. Hooky?!!! Coolest mom ever!!! And remind me never to play monopoly with you. And THAT view!!! I guess you all aren't under snow yet like the other parts of my soon to be--oops--I mean-- your gorgeous home state. (wink :). Thanks for the love friend and I'm so glad it helped!

    Have a happy Halloween weekend!!

  9. isn't a hooky day the most fantabulous thing ever.

    what a lovely view, must go out and grab some shots of our leaves before they are all gone.

    your week sounds lovely, hope the weekend just as much.

  10. You have a gorgeous view and thank you for sharing it with us :) Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Love that home-grown art! Also love the fact that you are un-apologetic about your mad Monopoly skillz! Stunning view, so gorgeous. And yes, what MJ said DOES makes sense; she is a wise one, that MJ.


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