February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Year

To celebrate we went skiing in some serious fresh powder. A powder day coupled with most any excuse will do, I think. I rarely take a camera skiing, as my coat pockets are already stuffed with EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN THAT A CHILD COULD POSSIBLY NEED, but I did today.

This explains the second trimester tumor.

Feathers and black diamonds.
Pushing sister on the flats.
They just jumped off into the deep end. 

My partner in crime.

Do you think we jump in demon? You know the answer.....
warming the gloves and sharing ski tales.

....and speaking of tales. Why not?


  1. Ivey, I am so envious of all your beautiful snow as I sit here in the warm, humid air with my hair frizzing!
    Beautiful pictures of you and your family!

  2. You are such a foxy lady. Or maybe it's a raccoon tail?

  3. I just love a family ski adventure. And, oh that tail. Puuurfect.


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