February 10, 2012

winter wonderland and of course, i’ll marry you...again

Hello dears.

Some of you are fretting that I have abandoned my husband.

Not happening.

I’m just not near as poetic as he is, and it’s been daunting to reply. 

I also started thinking back to when we first met and have started writing down that path. 

But let’s address the letter.

Will I marry him? Again?

Of course. 

He wants to do it in the shadow of our favorite oil refinery, which sounds lovely to me.

That’s here.

Manhattan Beach, CA 

He asked if I needed a new ring.

My slim gold band came from a pawn shop in Edinburgh. I wear it on my right hand because that’s where it fits, and it’s never come off. Never will, either.

You’ve probably guessed that I’m not a 'big fat diamond' kind of gal. If, for some weird reason, I decided I did need one, I’d get a fake one and pretend it was real, because the money could be spent in much more interesting ways. 

However, my dear, if you’re feeling that we need some symbolism, I can point you in the right direction. This ring sings to me. It has my name written all over it...and yours. 

A honeymoon? Can we bring the kids? I’m only sort of joking and he knows it.

But Matt was totally messing with me when he suggested Houston’s and the Doubletree. He knows that drives me crazy!!! We travel to Los Angeles, a cultural melting pot of supreme style and funk and he wants a Hickory Burger at Houston’s! (it’s an upscale national chain that is always very yummy, but...!!??)

 All I want is to find a funky Korean 
neighborhood, where I can’t read the signs or the menu, and to order something bizarre and fiery that I have neither seen nor heard of before. 

Is that the key to good marriage? Balancing the steady and the sizzle?

Can we compromise, my dear?

We could eat here and stay here.

And then there is option number three, which involves three kids. Why does that sound so right?

How ‘bout Malibu? Tidal pools, movie stars, and camp sites on the beach? We could hang twinkly lights and grill shrimp on the barbie after a long day of beach combing.....

The future with you is always fun to think about. The possibilities are limitless. 

There are two beers in the snow waiting for us.

Let’s chart our course.


  1. Ivey, I think you and your Matt make a super couple and I wish you many, many years more years together! From reading your posts it sounds like you both balance each other and there is laughter in your days, it's an important factor in a marriage I think!
    No matter where you renew your vows I know it will be special.
    Have a great weekend and enjoy all that beautiful snow you have there.

  2. You two are way too cute! This is the kind of Valentine's Day story that I want to hear about...focused on what really matters: each other, the kiddos, and living a life full of laughter. :)

  3. Ohh Gawd this is so romantic, I eat this up with a dainty silver spoon, and a big fat cherry on top!!! I know that whatever you decide, with or without kids, fancy schmancy or camping glory, there will be joy, love and laughter. And THAT my friends, is what it's all about...
    thanks for the lovely glow and smiles

    And look at that snow!!! I so want to see snow and have ice chilled beverages!!

  4. Wherever you guys decide to go, it will be a two person party (or 5)! This is perfect for Valentine's day; nothing like a real live love story! I love your family.


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