March 23, 2012

this moment...{swelling and shrinking}

I snapped a secret photo. A picture does paint a thousand words.

I had a moment the other day. 

A Whoa This Is All Going Sorta As Planned moment. 

Max and a sweet neighbor friend had been outside, playing and jumping on the trampoline.

Max busted in the back door. (He never just comes in anymore. It's as if he has been expelled by Mother Nature, with a shush of wind and energy, back into the house)

In one long and excited and loud exclamation he was saying this....

"I have to read you this passage! It's insane and so funny and I can't stop laughing and it's this book about a boy and then this guy brings a present over and hold on, let me find this part, you have to hear it. I 'll read it to you.............  

Now that's really all it takes for me. This one thing, this one bit of excitement bursting from my 12 year old son feels like the whole universe nodding yes.

But it gets better. What book, what passage was he so excited by?

He grabs the book from a stack by his bed and Reed sits beside him, and he's thumbing through and searching and he finds it, and starts laughing and reading and laughing and....

I smiled at the full circle of it all.

Unbidden, with tears of laughter, he reads my favorite passage from my favorite book, that he has found and fallen for, all by himself.

Do you know the armadillo scene in A Prayer for Owen Meany?

Let us recommend it to you. 

And then a few hours later.......

We are all sitting around the table eating dinner. Della is talking about her day at school. She is talking about a Show and Tell that drug on way too long. She is talking about a small incident.

What happened, baby? I asked. 

"I yelled out." she said.

What'd you say? We were all curious.

"It wasn't bad, I told her to 'just spit it out'."

That's so me. Get to the point, people!

And there you have it. In the space of an afternoon I see the full spectrum of our influence. 

From a literary gold star to heckling a first grader, we are raising these people, best we can, nowhere near perfect, but damn sure unique, and it pays well, with lots of love, and the energy and power they leave in their wake. To get up and do it again....for tomorrow holds another adventure, another mystery, another blessing.

And certainly another laugh.

And my dear readers, thank you for reading. For letting me write.
I appreciate you everyday and love our community.


  1. Yup.
    That's good stuff.
    Thanks for a good, satisfying smile.

  2. omg a prayer for owen meany is just amazing. loved that book. and i LOVE that your son is already enjoying it.

    i also think your girl may be after my heart. i'm a spit it out and don't make me repeat myself kinda girl myself. get to the point or impale yourself upon it already!!!

    happy weekend to you and yours :)

  3. I am just thankful I get to visit here and see a little glimpe of your's beautiful! You, Matt, your babies, all make this world a little better and I am so glad to know you. Have a lovely weekend Ivey!

  4. I am smiling from ear to ear ...the joy of parenthood.Awesome that Max loves reading!...and that in a book- with all the tech stuff out there- the image speaks volumes( no pun inteded)

    Checking this book out for Auggie(thanks)
    Happy weekending.

  5. I have not read that book, but that's so cool that he came busting in to read a passage from a book. LOVE it!

    Mine is spring bursting forth...

  6. Such a great book, with some heady topics in there for 12, too! Love that he was so eager to SHARE it with someone else, just beautiful. :)

  7. hi ladies! i will say in the interest of full disclosure, that i didn't give him this book to read, and actually think he's probably too young for it. we will see.

  8. I love these kind of moments! Seeing kiddos so excited about reading and sharing. No doubt it is an intense book, but something that could surely spark conversation with a bright 12 year old.

  9. Oh the journey of parenthood, moments like these are the ones we remember so vividly and recall at family dinners twenty years from now :)

    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your weekend.

  10. I love this post. We are doing the same. Not always well, no where near perfectly, sometimes awesomely... but as you said, damn sure unique. i love my girls... I think your son and my daughter would be good friends!

  11. I just love when we can glimpse into out children and see ourselves. I do believe my middle girl and your five year old would be the very best of friends.
    Ha! Seriously, this made me laugh so hard.
    P.S. A while back, a work acquaintance was talking to our family on the street in third person. My 4 yr old said, "Um, what's wrong with you? Why are you talking about yourself like you're not here." Turns out, it was exactly what I was thinking!

  12. I love the description of Max's coming inside- such presence and energy!
    Owen Meany is one of my favorite books- a great read. And I remember reading lots of grown up books when I was 12, including Roots, which was a bit intense, but it didn't stop me:)

    Hope you get across the street for some springtime!

  13. How amazing that you were able to witness both exciting events. For us, dinner was the sharing time of our days and I loved listening to the kids :)

  14. All I can say is pure awesomeness. You and your family are exactly that. And that book. Can you believe I have never read it. It is on my list next!!
    cheers Ivey, you and Matt have done an amazing job with your children!!!

  15. What a true gift to have children--I'm feeling your post through and through!

  16. Ha! Your kiddos are priceless! I love the photo too. :)

  17. thank you for writing, for being a good mommy, for making me laugh.
    I LOVE LOVE your blog.
    Big hugs,

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