August 29, 2012

oh she's so random

I am so far behind in this space that catching up seems impossible. We have covered many miles, many milestones, myriad locations, a grand celebration, the start of a new school season, and an unexpected death in the family that shines a new light on how life should be tackled with vigor and wreckless love every dang day. 

I may or may not be highlighting any of the above but it will show up here in some form or fashion, no doubt. I have been away from home long enough that all my routines have slipped away and I have no desire to re-establish them as they were, so there is that. I also want to streamline this blog. Make it sleeker. Prettier. Boil it down. 

Speaking of boiling. 
{And let's just segue here for a sec. How the hell DO you say boil? Let me give you some options.

Boy-ul (which brings out the bouncing boi-oi-oi-oi in me)
Bowl...or Bold in the past tense.
Bald...the 'd' is silent till we go past tense. As in, 'She bald some eggs for the potato salad.'
How do normal people say it? I don't know anymore.

 Boiled peanuts. However you say it, they are spectacular, and I was prepared to cry or lie to get them through airport security. My airport alter ego is both cunning and ditzy, steely and vulnerable. Don't mess with me at the airport. I will shred you. Not sure where that came from. Hi Dad.

Matt made tacos last night. This was for me. Weird or really sweet, you be the judge. I'll take it. I found the photo on the camera this morning. He took it. I love you too, baby.

You know the six second rule for hugs, don't you? It takes six seconds for the endorphins and serotonin to register when hugging. To say that in a simpler way, or my way, it takes six seconds for the love to transfer over. Spread the word. And the love.

The squirrel is still in the freezer. 

I was inspired anew at one of my favorite shops in Georgia. I have a love/hate relationship with the place because there are plenty of idiot hunters who will shoot a giraffe just for shits and giggles and it could easily end up here, but I also know that sometimes it's a beautiful thing to stuff a critter. (who died of natural causes) I saw my friend Jill the other night and she pulled six magnificent chicken heads out of her freezer and said that she had some for me, too...and she whispered a plan into my ear. 

It might just make us rich. We will stealthily take over the 'American Girl' market.

We had another wandering dinner on Monday night. We are doing it monthly it seems. Such fun and it is truly changing the tone of our neighborhood. We feel brotherly and sisterly and are meeting new friends and playmates that otherwise would have sat right under our noses unobserved.

The garden is finally turning out some tomatoes and there are plenty of peaches in the freezer.

I teach in the shared school program at a local public school. Homeschoolers in grades k-5 come to us two days a week for a taste of school. We offer violin, art, p.e., drumming, yoga, recess, and a very wee bit of academic enrichment in a classroom setting. The program is becoming more and more popular and we are busting at the seams so I have been pondering the 'one room schoolhouse' and how to do more with less. It's exciting. I hope to be tasked with the kinders as it's such fun to create a sweet experience for that age and learning should be organic and integrated into their daily happenings. I'll let you know what I'm doing along the way.

I hope you are all well out there.
(And this was supposed to be 'the end'.)
..coming soon...

Where I come from...a Thomasville tour
How to be Happy...a quick and easy guide that's superficial, but true
Can you change from type B to type A and vice versa?
Raising up children with good personalities

Over and out, Amigos.

But wait just one dang minute!

 If you are at all interested in joining the Ochlocknee Chapter (the only chapter )
of the Durango Mom Fan Club then leave a comment below. I have no idea what this will mean for you or me, but the fabulous Don Oliver, an old friend of my parents, is running that ship, (he's president, he says) and so there is great potential. I think we should all take a trip somewhere exotic. Or collectively make a pact to save the world. We could all put antlers on our mailboxes. Hell, I don't know. Or you can lodge any grievances you might have concerning me and my unstable posting practices with Don and he will lay it down.
It's all you, Don!

OMG. Just sort of proofread this post and saw the part where I wrote that I want to make my blog sleeker. And then pro-ceeded to throw up in words. You're thinking that I'm delusional.
 Quite possible.
Cue the eerie voice...
She's baa-ack.


  1. Haha! Welcome back momma! We've missed you! My head is still spinning from all those words, I'm off to go re-read it all again :) Crazy happy to see you here!

  2. Count me in for the fan club!!! So very sad for your family... And our town abt Elliott! Life is uncertain

  3. I say Boy-ul. Welcome back Ivey! I love your randomness;such is life, right? I'm sorry to hear about the death in your family, we just had a (kind of) unexpected death in the family, although he was 70, it was a surprise and still a reminder that all we really have is right now!
    I know what you mean about being gone so long that all your habits get thrown out the window! I feel just that way. Whenever we move, I use it as an opportunity to change a big habit. It's my theory that habits are easier to break when "everything" around you is different. It seems like it might be harder because you'd cling to your habits in new surroundings, but I've found the opposite to be true. The big habit broken in this move telelvision! We gave our giant, beautiful, hi-def flatscreen to the in laws and haven't replaced it. So far it's been a month with no TV and its going great.
    I'm excited to tour your hometown and also to hear about all the other things you've got up your sleeve!

  4. I forgot to say that the pic of your boys killed me! So adorable, in a "we got serious attitude" kind of way. Not raising wallflowers over there huh? Love it!

  5. I guess I have lived in the south too long because I say boy-ul...I think, I've been saying it over and over and am now confussed.

    Glad you are home safe and sound. Sorry about the death, happy you saw family and have peanuts to munch on. Your Matt is such a sweetie and it looks like you to are so soulmates.

    Love the idea of your school. The public school here is not very friendly to homeschoolers, their lose.

    Googled it and found out my daughter and her family will be 3 hours and 59 minutes { What? } from Thomasville. I am so going there to meet your sister and check out her shop. :)

  6. Glad you're back and SO in on the fan club!

  7. My brother and I did not know what my grandmother was talking about when she would say "bowl". We were the "yankee" grands evidently.
    I'm in for the fan club, whatever that means. We hope we get to have more adventures again before too long. Hawker and I were setting our eyes on Oregon for next summer.

  8. THIS POST ELUDED ME. I was cleaning out my tofu hut today.. real scrubbing, getting the bleach out and tossing any dead varmints that were overlooked during the Summer and lo and behold I FOUND THIS! sigh. Wonderful and we must get our shit together and heads and other body parts and create Create CREATE!!!!!

  9. Family First believes public finances should be diverted from expensive (high tax) government bureaucracies to families.

    Family First

  10. From one south Georgia gal to hooked me with the boiled peanuts! Just found your site and look forward to more!


Your comments make my day. Thanks for taking the time!