September 17, 2012

around here

1. our favorite snack...cucumber sandwiches...mayo, vinegar, s and p
2. there are two hundred more shots in this sequence...this one captures the conflict...per lew.
3. a unique thrift score...a handmade down comforter
4. roasted tomatoes and garlic from the garden
5. leaves are turning fast...possibly our last look at green for awhile
6. peaches galore...these will be a peach ginger coconut milk ice cream


  1. I must say that I am very envious of your peaches. I have two trees that didn't produce the first peach due to the weird weather we have had. After following your link and reading the recipe I am going to have to take a little trip to find some peaches!
    Loved your last post, it looks like y'all had a great time, even with skunk visitors.

  2. so glad to know that i'm not the only one that downloads pics from the camera or phone only to find videos and pics the kids have done!

  3. Wow, I love the pillow made from the old Blue Bird Flour sack! So creative! Did you make that?

    By the way, just found your blog through Pozie Gets Cozy and it's just delightful. :-) We live in Italy but love the West and so it's wonderful to get snippets of it all through these photos and your words!

  4. Loving your thrift store lovely!

  5. I am trying to figure out the image on the cloth napkin beside the sandwich. Shopping cart? Outdoors? :)

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  7. Your house sounds scrumptious! I am envious of your flour sack pillow; I have collected a couple coffee sacks that I envision will make some sturdy floor pillows...someday, when I get around to sewing them. Want to trade some papayas for peaches?!!


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