September 30, 2012


 bright and early on saturday there was a cross country race
 my boys did good
 lewis said the woods helped him run
 della hung with an old friend
 there was improvised roadside apple picking...the car makes a nice ladder
 lunch with grand daddy after the race then passed out cold
 top volume wrestling
 more of the same
 friends over and lewis rigs an outdoor stereo system for moonlight jumping to this & more
i overheard them.
the friend said 'i am so happy right now'
my boys said 'me too.'
they all slept under a full moon peaking over the mountain
i didn't cook dinner.
just sat with my love on the couch in the kitchen with a glass of wine.
we loosely directed the night circus
and fed them popcorn 
and later 
banana cream pie ice cream cones.

fall is settling in
cozy is arriving

have a lovely, everyone.
{joining my friend amanda at the habit of being}


  1. i love your weekend! i see so much love and connection in these photos.

  2. I love the blur of the trampoline and the candlelight on the quilt. Perfect. And the pic of the passed out runner?! Priceless.

  3. Do you feel blessed? You should. I know you do. Blessed!

  4. What a sweet weekend. Love the passed out boy!

  5. Congrats to your awesome boys and to all of you for another fine weekend...sleeping under the stars, listening to coldplay and the happiness of family--heaven on earth...

  6. I love your weekend Ivey and many congratulations to your boys!


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