October 2, 2012

della's closet

There is nothing special going on here.
Just a quick look at Della's little girl lair.
For whatever reason, I was a tomboy.
My mom had to pay me to wear a dress or a skirt once a week.
Della wears dresses on top of skirts.
Maybe this is why I love her flash and pizazz.
I love our differences.
When she wears a sequined beret I am taken aback.
I would eat our pet cat before I left the house in a sequined beret.
And she puts it on and marches out and takes freakin' names.
She blows my mind, really.
Tough and sweet and ready for any damn thing that the day throws her and her fuchsia tutu.



  1. Rock on miss Della! Rock on :) Love that girl! Hope your week is going swimingly!


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