October 23, 2012

interview with an eighth grader

The other day Max was perusing my blog and came across some old posts with interviews. He asked if I would interview him. Why sure I will. I sat down and wrote a few questions...I gave it really no thought at all. Here it is. There will be an add-on soon, because he is obsessed with his future profession right now and I want to include that too. Sooooo, without any editing.... 

Hello My Dear, Max!

How old are you?
What grade are you in?
What's it like being in 8th grade?
Its good. Easier than 6th and 7th, to any oncoming 7th  graders.

Do you feel any peer pressure?
Not usually, my peers normally pressure me in a good way

Are there bullies at your school? What do they do?
No, there are not any bullies from my point of view.

Have you ever had to stick up for a friend?
Not that I can remember

Are you into girls yet?
Heck Ya

What is your favorite subject this year?

What are your favorite foods?
Spicy Thai peanut noodles, a Reuban, and these noodles that are really spicy and really buttery.

Have you read any good books lately? Tell us about them.
I just finished the autobiography of Tim Tebow, It was a great Christian read. I also just finished reading a book called Warriors Don't Cry by Melba Pattilo Beals. It's about a black segregationist living in Little Rock Arkansas,at the time when racism was really bad. That's also a good book

What's your favorite past time?
I like to play any kind of sport or activity in my free time. I really like to mountain bike and ski, though. 
This year I am trying for a backflip on skis.

Do you have any hobbies?
reading, listening to music,  hanging out with friends, running, slack lining, trampolining

Describe your favorite outfit.
That would probably have to be something loose and something that has some color on it.

Describe your perfect day.
The perfect day for me would be to go to France or Jamaica, and cliff jump in really warm and clear water, something we don't get much off in Durango.

Who do you admire?
I admire alot of people.  I admire Robert Griffin III (football),Cam Newton (Football),Andrew Luck(football),Danny Macaskill(biking), Tom Wallisch(skiing), and LeBron James in basketball.

Is your mom awesome?
Yea, she's pretty awesome.

I'll leave it right there, folks. 
Off to work...have a great day!


  1. Awesome finish.
    Eight grade boys... fascinating.
    Keeping my hopes for the future alive!

  2. Please of please let my boys be this well rounded when we hit 8th grade!

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