November 18, 2012


April 18th, 2005

This was our first morning home with newborn Lewis.  I love this picture. My friend Tracy took it. She came over and started snapping pictures. 'You'll want to remember this day.' she said. This one captures it all. I was giddy with awe. I love how the world stops when a baby is born. Nothing else matters.  Food arrives. Days and nights blend together.

Max was a bit peeved irate with the arrival of little Lewis. He poured a hot cup of coffee on me as I nursed that morning. It was a double whammy because I do love my coffee. But it was fine and pretty natural and it certainly got our attention as to where we might want to spread a little more love. Like butter on warm toast. Look at those matchbox cars. He never set them down...except to dump coffee.

It is, of course, pre-Della. It's hard for me to even imagine a Della-less world.

I blew this photo up on a zerox machine and it hangs in our living room.

Love my babies.


  1. It's a great phote Ivey. It sounds like you have a very smart friend, but then her name is Tracy so there you go! ;)

  2. Oh, this is such a beautiful, alive, candid moment! You look like Della. look like what I imagine what Della will look like in 20 years! I love this.

  3. This I LOVE! And Della is in that picture ;) that smile and scrunched nose! Yep, she's right there :)

  4. Ivey, this photo is perfection. What a gift your friend gave you.


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