May 25, 2011

Durango Mom Interview: Aunt Nan, The Trilogy

I find oodles of cool art on poppytalk
If you are joining us late then welcome to the party and part three of the DM interview with my sister, Nan. Here is part 1 and part 2. It's all there!

I wanted another picture of Nan, but this will have to do. She is for sure a foxy lady! And they have the same color hair!

What is your go-to meal? The one that everyone likes and is easy to pull together:
I have a couple, as I like to cook, and we are limited here for food.  Pasta Carbonara is my boy's favorite, hands down.They also love quiche, which is relatively easy and you can throw in all the leftovers.  I usually make one more meat oriented and one more veggie.  My youngest will even ask for it in his school lunch.  I would say our main go to is hamburger and french fries.  We just do the hamburgers in our black iron skillet and we have the smallest fry daddy for the fries.  We just buy frozen fries and pop them in. It is very fast and a guilty pleasure for sure.  

Do you exercise? What? How often?
I go through spells.  I try to walk regularly and I love yoga.  I have practiced yoga for 15+ years, but again I am not consistent in my practice.  I seem to justify everything else, but that.

What keeps you sane and centered?
I am pretty laid back, so I don't really require much. I like my alone time, which is every morning when the house is totally empty. I love to soak in a tub.  I like to travel by myself.  I often go to NYC on business and really love my time there.  I like eating by myself too.  

What is your most important family ritual?
It is the same as yours.  Eating dinner together every night is something I just assumed every family did.  I am grateful to our mom and dad for instilling that ritual in us. We don't do this next family ritual all that often, but it definitely goes on every trip with us. Can you guess?  Dominoes!   It is so fun and the kids really picked it up quickly.  We went to Maine, two summers ago, and played it every single night for hours.  We will bring them to Wyoming this summer and play with y'all for sure!  I'll kick your ass for sure too!  I love to talk some smack!

What is your greatest wish for your kids?
That they grow up to be compassionate, humble, accepting, and smart.  Also, for them to realize that the harder they work for something, the luckier and better off they will be. Also, to instill the love of travel in them.  So far, we have been fortunate in that department,  but it is something we really have to work and sacrifice  for.

And lastly, what is your greatest wish for yourself?
I don't know.  I will say that the only upside to this aging thing, is growing up more emotionally.  I do keep this quote folded in my wallet:  "You have to decide what your highest priorities are and have the courage...pleasantly, smilingly, say "no" to other things.  And the way you do that is by a bigger "Yes" burning inside. {Stephen Covey}

Thank you, thank you to my sweet sister for taking the time to share! We are meeting in Jax, Wyoming in July and I can hardly wait to squeeze her neck (that's southern for 'hug' not 'strangle') and whip her ass in dominos!

Love you!


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