May 26, 2011

last day of school

Today is the last day of school. Let's jog back and take a look at the first day of school.

Click here to read all about it.

I was a basket case, was I not?

For no good reason, except that my babies are my everything.

How was it, you ask?

Let me show you.

I took these pictures yesterday.

Della looks miserable with her beautiful teacher, Ms. Beth, doesn't she. They had so much fun all year. She loved it and loves all her new friends and is already ready for next fall!

And this is lovely Ms. Katie. Yes, Della loved her! They match, don't they? Not pictured is Mrs. Lloyd, another kindergarten wonder!

Lewis loved Mrs. Shipp! We were so lucky to catch her in the last year of a long and wonderful teaching career. She thought Lew was shy at first and quickly reassessed. Basically, he owns third grade. And I was so worried about this boy. Mrs. Shipp showed him the way!

Here they are in this amazing tree in Mrs. Shipp's front yard. She lives around the corner from school and they walk over all the time.

Lew and his posse.

Here they are with Mr. Harter, their principal. He's pretty much a genius. He has a policy that has endeared my children to him for the rest of their lives. A tootsie roll pop has lots of old fashioned drawings of kids on it's label. They are doing various things and it's different on each label. Did you know this? If you find a label with an Indian shooting a star on it, Mr. Harter will give you another tootsie pop. You take him them label, he rips it in half, gives you a tootsie roll pop, and the vicious cycle starts anew. The Indian and the star aren't especially rare, or else my children are wildly lucky. You do see what my Tiggy is clutching in his hand?

Long story short it was a great year. (Max forbade a camera anywhere near his school so you'll have to trust me.)

I am so thankful for the teachers that spent so much time teaching and caring and loving my children.

Did you know that alcohol is forbidden in the public schools?

I took it anyway. I think that right about now those dedicated teachers might just totally be jones-ing for appreciate a cocktail for a job well done.

It's Miller time! And hooray for summer!

{Thanks Bunny, for the suggestion!}


  1. Oh my gosh I can't believe you took my advice!! But it WAS good advice, right?? :) Happy Summer!

  2. Oh how sweet your babies are! I teared up when I read about the first day and outright trickled on this post. My oldest/baby girl starts kindergarten this fall, I'm terrified!


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