May 30, 2011

tea means stop

Coffee means go, of course it does.

But did you know that tea means 'stop'?

For me, a cup of tea is a physical reminder to put on the brakes. Hold the phone. Stop talking. Stop doing.

I am putting on the kettle. I am rummaging around for the just the right tea bag. I am waiting for the water to boil. I am pouring it into a favorite jar. I might even stare at it for a minute as it steeps and turns the perfect shade of amber.

I am re-centering. I am right here. Not multi-tasking.

Let me take a sip or two and I can help with that project, I can sit down and play memory, I can read another story, I can make cookies, or play catch, or mend your doll.

Perhaps I'll coin the term, tea therapy.

Cheap, simple and quite effective.

Which makes me think. I would so love to sit with all of you and drink tea and laugh and chat. Near and far, I love my blogging friends! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts and lives with me.

And how do you put on the brakes?


  1. My favorite "tea" quote:
    "The wealth of the tea table lies in it's ability to enrich the everyday, gild the moment with importance and celebrate the loosening of the days demands." Catherine Calvert. Ahhh the loosening of the days demands...

  2. Knitting Needles. I keep it next to my favorite chair, with my skein in a basket. It's nice to be reminded to sit and stay a while.

  3. Oh this is so true!!! How funny I never thought of it this way before :). I'll have to agree with Baby by the Sea, knitting or crocheting for sure slows me down. If I do tea with it, maybe I'll come to a dead halt. Wouldn't that be niiiiiiice :). But only for a short while :).


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