May 31, 2011

this weekend

This weekend we went to Flagstaff and back for a soccer tournament. We ate here. Very nifty.

We witnessed this abomination. Don't think for a minute that this was staged. He's been doing this SINCE BIRTH. I can't wait till his first date. They will be sitting in a restaurant and she'll be horrified.

She will be texting her mom under the table.

"He's really funny and nice and his eyes are the bluest of blue, but I swear he must have been RAISED BY WOLVES! OMG! Please come get me!"

And, of course, she'll miss out on the best thing to ever cross her path. Because we're not wolves, really.

Lewis, is your nose bleeding, too? Nice.

We did much more than that this weekend, but one of the last things I did was to get on a spinning UFO ride at the fair with Della and seriously whipped my brain to a froth. That's a gross feeling. So I'm signing off! More pics soon!

{And that May cake is breathing down my neck....lucky for me, today is Max's 12th birthday.I need all the incentives I can get! Go here if your'e lost. Or here. Or not.}

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day Weekend and stopped for a moment to be thankful for those who gave us our many freedoms.

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious! That is how my girl eats yogurt. You have a beautiful family!


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