June 2, 2011

the best things in life are free

I don't think that I have ever mentioned this before. Which is odd. You might have gleaned it from things I've said. But I've never said it outright. So I think I'll say it. We live on a very small budget around here.

Why does this bear mentioning?

Because I hardly notice. I look around me and see abundance. I see the gifts that we have been given. I see love and beauty and opportunity. I see nature and mystery and an unfolding story that has no price tag.

My mother often said "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

I've never liked that quote, and I'm a big fan of quotes. Big fan.

Because you damn sure can.

That sow's ear is a paint job or craft project away from silk purse status.

The truth is, the best things in life are free, but you have to be able to 'see' them.

More importantly, you have to stop and appreciate.

Starting next week, I will be doing a weekly 'best things in life are free' column. It will be about all the glorious things that are right before our eyes that are fabulously free, yet rich beyond imagining.

Words and pictures to keep us mindful of what is true and good. I will want your feedback and your 'best things' too.

It's all about perspective.

the sexiest weed on earth, or at least in my yard!


  1. So True! I've been reading your blog for a couple of weeks steady. Saw it advertised in the telegraph. It goes so well with the morning coffee. I very much enjoy the beauty in your words and photos. I am a momma to 2 young ladies 22 months and 3 1/2. They bring me light every day. As an older lady pointed out in Kroegers today - there is never a dull moment. And those moments are totally free and precious. Thank you for having such a wonderful blog!

  2. Yes! I just finished a post about Scarcity vs. Abundance mindset that I'll post tomorrow...and what you're saying is right in line with what I've been thinking about lately.

    I've been thinking of starting a "gratitude" list on Mondays to combat my usual Monday blues but have been putting it off because I was trying to come up with a sexier theme name...but I think you've done it! I would love to follow along with your "best things".

    I'm a full time mama to my two little girls and I chose to stay home with them over continuing my career. We've never been as "poor" as we are now and also have never felt so "rich" as we do these days.

  3. Word. I can't wait to read what you've got in the mental bookshelf. It's a really valued skilled - appreciating what's in front of us.
    Nice work.


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