June 3, 2011

{this moment....summer, finally!


  1. We've yet to break out the sprinkler around here... but my kids are such northwesterners it just needs to get up to 65 and they're begging for the air conditioning in the car (though my four-year-old said the other day, "I don't even know what that is") and whipping off their shirts and shoes. So even though summer has yet to truly begin up here, I imagine the kids will be asking for pinkler (as they say) soon!

    I just caught up again with your blog... and enjoyed my visit. Thank you! I'm off to have a cup of tea while the kids still sleep.

  2. Yay! What a great moment, I remember that sprinkler thing from when I was a kid; those are awesome, I need to get one for my girls, pronto.

  3. What a great shot!!! Sprinklers rock, a sure sign of summer :). Have a terrific weekend Ivey!!

  4. Oh yay!!! That is the best!!! Love your moment :-)
    have a great weekend Ivey
    (and thanks so much for visiting my moment too!!)

  5. oh yes! jumping right into summer. so much fun!

    hope your weekend is warm and full of more splashy moments.

  6. Gorgeous action shot! Watching kids while they are playing with water is magical, they know how to have fun. Happiest of weekends to you. Jacinta

  7. Finally, some warmth here in Colorado! Yes, we take what we can get these days. {so very odd for Denver.} Your pic today makes me want to get the hose and camera out this weekend!

  8. Siblings, sprinklers and summer: perfect. Send that weather here, please. Great picture.

  9. What an awesome photo! My girls love the sprinkler too, though they have yet to get the concept that it's even more fun to run through it! Right now they just stand next to it! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog on Friday! It's always great to have a comment from you and then catch up with your beautiful blog as a result!

  10. the sprinkler is by far the most popular toy in our yard! such fun :)


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