June 14, 2011

the best things in life are free

I made the mug in a previous life. A pre-kids life that is faint and fuzzy, but here is a relic to prove that it existed. My friend Rebecca still makes them...you can order one here.
Birthing babies aside, there is quite possibly nothing better in life than taking your hot coffee into the garden in the early morning. I turn on the hose and wander, coffee in hand, checking on the over night progress or lack there-of.

 Yes, I use bike tires for my hoops. Free and easy. The greens are happy in their moist little plastic cave.

Five kinds of tomatoes, peppers, beets, broccoli, carrots, pumpkins, cantaloupe, eggplant, kale, herbs, zukes and cukes, and more beets. I like beets. And the flowers, of course.

"White hyacinths for the soul." My grandmother always said that. Her garden was a treasure. My mother's garden is amazing. Mine is a hodge-podge. But it's mine. And it's sorta fun. Those are army men in that basket. I'll take you on a little tour soon.

Add coffee and you've got pure bliss. For me at least.

The reverie is usually interrupted by a knock on the window. Child A, B, or  C needing this, that, and the other.

But the day is off to a perfect start.

"If I had but two loaves of bread I would sell one of them and buy White Hyacinths to feed my soul." - Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915) 

How bout you? What's the best way to start your day?

1 comment:

  1. In bed with the hubbs bringing me fresh French press! He really is too good to be true.
    I love that quote + hyacinths, too.
    We haven't done a summer veggie garden since we're on the CSA, but my hydrangeas are huge + lush and just wonderful.


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