June 13, 2011

the weekend

This weekend: We went to Vallecito Lake with friends. Can you tell that Lew is chilly? That, in no way, cut down on the fun factor. Kids don't seem to notice things like ice cold water and a strong wind.

On Saturday we went to the Farmer's market. We got lots of sweet carrots and some exotic tomato plants for the garden.

Della loved this booth called Cartwheel Clothing and got a reversible headband.  Jennifer, a mom and former teacher has so many fun designs. I love the reusable bags for sandwiches and such. You can see more here

Wheatgrass juice anyone? I love this pedal powered contraption.


The boys still love Legos and will spend hours making stop motion movies from camera still shots. You CAN NOT imagine how many lego photos are in iphoto on my 'puter. 1,000's. But they love it and are so diligent and precise in their creations.  

Do popcorn and milkshakes constitute a meal? I think yes.

Daddy was in L.A. all week with meetings and pitches for a television show. It went very well. He's a psychotherapist by day and aspiring TV personality by night. Did you know that? We missed him terribly, the kids can hardly stand it when he's gone, but we're excited for the possibilities.

The weekend ended on a crazy note with a mountain bike accident and rescue. I took the boys and our neighbor, Reid, down our little valley to look for an enormous crawdad (crayfish) that I had seen in the irrigation ditch when running earlier in the day. We didn't find him, but the boys saw fit to strip down to their drawers and have a grand ole time throwing mud and frolicking. Afterwards, we took the trail back home....a long, fast, and fun single track downhill. I was first, with Lewis behind me, until I heard the screaming. I'll mention here that Lewis is not a screamer. He's very stoical. I was a tad worried. 

I got back to him and he had taken a spill and, somehow or another, gotten the flesh of his thigh stuck between his chain and chain wheel. With all my might, I could not get him free. It was painful and bloody and we were stuck. I sent Max home to get Matt. I tried to get Lew in a less awkward position and relaxed. About twenty minutes later I saw our neighbor, Bill, driving hell for leather, up the 'no vehicles allowed' trail towards us.  He was the first person Max had come to, and was an excellent choice. He freed Lew almost instantly with some very painful, but effective back pedaling and pulling, and threw Lew over his shoulder like a sack 'o taters. 

We were home in no time flat. Lewis is fine. He just added a gnarly gash to his collection, but it was no fun, that's for sure. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Bill!

I hope your weekend was less eventful! And have a good Monday! 



  1. Poor Lewis! I'm glad he's okay. TV show? Sounds exciting. Do tell...

  2. Thank goodness for neighbors. And that vallecito swim looks enticing on a hot day like today.


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