October 4, 2012

community and a liquor drink

The wandering dinner is now a monthly thing.

We are making some adjustments for the winter and the snows to come, but I think it'll just mean bonfires and more liquor.

We are now a fun loving group of friends, whereas before we were just a bunch of houses in a valley.

This is Celeste and Robby serving up Tequilopes.

They are very, very tasty.

Try one at home....put it on your weekend agenda!

Animas Valley Farms Cantaloupe (pureed)
and Rosemary Clove Simple Syrup.

and if you have a darling couple to mix them and a vintage ironing board to serve on, then all the better.


  1. It might be a little worrisome that that drink looks absolutely delightful even at 7am! Ha! And that picture! Gorgeous! What a story it has to tell, the bikes, the rocks, the sunset....what an awesome community to have. Happy Thursday to you!

  2. You do live in a great place Ivey.
    I was very pleased to read your drink recipe since I have a huge cantaloupe in my ice box and an old wooden ironing board in my laundry room, I'm all set!

  3. hmmmm - we spent the summer with watermelon margaritas. i want to live where you live.

  4. That guy helped Dan pack his elk out! (Dan said: he's big and strong). We didn't really know him, but because it's the smallest town ever, you do, and now we do, and I always love hearing about your community dinners. xo

    1. it is a small town! i saw him on your post. such a nice guy!

  5. yum! should've made those for our little shindig last night. there is always next time, though ;-)

  6. Can I be your new neighbour :)

  7. Wow. Stop posting these fun parties to those of us who are thousands of miles away. We're all jealous.

  8. One day...we're just gonna pop in for one of those dinners!! What a great photo and gathering!!

    1. denise, i'm waiting for you. seriously. and when you show up we will hug and squeal and it'll be like we've been friends our whole life long.


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