October 8, 2012


apples tomatoes sage basil tomatillos pumpkins and a watermelon all got picked this weekend.

I'm done, folks.

{and thank goodness for child labor}


  1. I want that apple press!

    We are picking cucumbers, tomatoes and the last of the watermelons here and now I wait for the fall garden to start producing.

  2. Oh that cider looks soooo good! This is making me miss fall even more.

  3. ohhhhhh is that your garden?

  4. I've decided I need an apple press!

  5. Wow! Y'all have tons of apples! All of ours froze when they were just blooms this spring/summer. We only had like two apples in our entire orchard here at Kivu.

  6. Fun stuff! Loved seeing the Tecumseh sign--there's a Tecumseh statue at the Naval Academy in Annapolis--rich in history and tradition with the Midshipmen.
    "Tecumseh has become not only the "God of 2.0" -- the passing grade point average at the academy -- but also the idol to whom loyal midshipmen give prayers and sacrificial offerings of pennies. Midshipmen offer a left-handed salute in tribute to Tecumseh, and they toss pennies his way for good luck in exams and athletic contests.
    Each year, Tecumseh is decked out in a coat of "war paint" for Parents' Weekend in August, Homecoming in the fall, before Army-Navy contests and for Commissioning Week."

  7. Ha! Love that shot of Della on the back of the motorcycle! She is a wild one! And the boys look like they grew a mile over the summer! Oh my! Enjoy all that fresh produce, yum yum!

  8. The details of your pictures are extraordinary. I'd love to try a cider press with our girls. Happy Fall.


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