October 26, 2012

hooray friday

some fun friday links for you

This is such a perfect idea for a kid nook...and don't we all love a before and after?

I will be sporting these halloween tattoos...a free printable.

Wanna be a snail for halloween? Here's how. So cute!

We are already making plans to see this over Thanksgiving. I told Max he has to read it first. I haven't seen a movie in theatres in well over five years so take note here.

This house is only 35 inches wide.

How about a tutu table for a little girl bedroom? Here's the the tu-tutorial.

If you are looking for us on Sat/Sun, you can find us here.

Matt and I are overdue for a stay at home date night. This then this.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend!


  1. I was just at Phil's World last weekend, fun riding out there. Love Ribcage!

  2. sweet miss d!

    hope y'all have a fun stay at home date :)

  3. OK...that house was crazy! I got a little claustrophobic just looking at the slideshow (but it WAS supercool) Those skeleton tattoos are neato, that date food sounds yummy and the snail costume is on my list for next year. (Tiger and Strawberry have already been agreed upon and bought). I think 5 years since your last movie theater movie is a record...for a split second I thought I was going to click on a Twilight link, because that is a big Fall movie, but then I beamed back to reality, Life of Pi sounds better anyway :)Have a lovely weekend!

  4. I hope you have a great weekend my dear Ivey! I have a date with some very cluttered closets. Sandy is suppose to dump some rain on us so closet cleaning sounds like a good idea.

  5. Gonna check those links m'lady!
    Happy rest of your weekend to YOU.


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