November 26, 2012


beehive watch dogs
I was eavesdropping the other day. Do you do that? I love to eavesdrop. I love the word 'eavesdrop'. It was at a cross country meet and this woman was going off. At first, she was talking about her children and was speaking so very definitively. She was using words like 'zero tolerance' and 'non-negotiable'. I scooted closer. My first thought was that her kids must be evil villains, and then my immediate second thought was that I must be a total slacker. The latter was more likely, but whatever she was talking about, it became quite clear that she was not one of those 'middle of the road' types. I never did figure out what was so damn imperative, because she quickly jumped subjects. To exercise.

If you live in Durango Colorado you better get real comfy with talk about exercise. If you aren't training for an ultra, the Single Speed World Cup, or the next X games then you might as well move to Denver. Seriously, there is no better place in the world to feel physically inferior than Durango.

Thus, I was ready to get a real earful from Mrs. Non Negotiable.

She had just finished reading a book that I won't be rushing out to buy. It was titled something like "Younger Next Year" and the general premise was that we can reverse aging. Eureka. But what she kept shouting, over and over, is that every day that we are not exercising we are decaying. And, of course, she had zero tolerance for that.

That's the long way round to my own thoughts on exercise and eating.  I like to think of my exercise routine as 'organic'. That's a positive spin on 'sporadic at best'. But thanks to my eavesdropping, now the word 'decaying' is pinging around in my head and I don't really like it. So while I run and ride and ski and swim and am generally active, it's time to kick it up a notch. Same with my diet.

Hello Cross Fit and Whole30.

I am a week into cross fit and I love it. I am doing it at home and dragging the whole family into it. We have a few cross fit gyms here, but I'm not there yet. I think I would cry or wet my pants . Each day I go here for my daily workout (called a WOD) and record my results. My muscles are sore and happy. Workouts are fast and intense and your cardio comes from the speed that you do the exercises. My belly is not all that it once was, and I have always wanted 'guns' so we'll see what happens.

And if I'm pushing away decay, hell's bells, shouldn't I ditch sugar, grains, dairy, and alcohol. Cold turkey, and with very little thought or hesitation, yes, is the answer. I am not calling it paleo, or a diet and I am not focusing on what I can not have. For a brief thirty days I am shooting for optimal health. It is laid out very clearly right here and I printed the shopping list and started today. I feel a little like I just jumped on the internet health bandwagon, but the truth is, it all makes sense. At 45, I have the world before me, I have the heart and soul of my 17 year old self, and the wild card (and it's one that I can mostly control) is my physical health. Why not work it? Why not push harder?

It feels very good to have zero tolerance for decay. Thanks Lady!

For more cross fit/food inspiration check out this blog. I love her calm, clear voice.

P.S. This morning I poured my coffee and added cream, as usual. I laughed at my extreme ADD, poured it out, and started over. Here we go!


  1. My 17 year old self is high fiving you Ivey! ;)

    I was just getting ready to link to you in a post answering your questions from the comment you left, but I think I'll just answer here.
    Yes, I do prepare two totally diffent meals, one for me and another for all the guys. I live in a home with a group of southern men who would laugh me out of the house if I just served them a huge salad for dinner. These guys
    work outside most of the day and want meat and potatoes, vegeatables and some kind of bread for dinner each night. And I always hear, What's for dessert? each night. Really, it's not that hard. I have always baked as a hobby and don't have much of a sweet tooth. I am missing a little goat or blue cheese, but truthfully I am feeling so good about myself that I could eat it if I tried, you know what I'm saying?
    How fun to be doing Crossfit. Mike and I have talked about setting something up here so I can increase my exercises, it's too far to drive everyday to a gym. Keep pushing! I'm pushing with you and cheering you on from SC!

    1. thanx for the inspiration! i'm hoping to integrate some things and not worry about others for the rest of the family and hopefully a little will rub off on them! we only have a 'mini gym' set up down in the basement...a few hand weights, a pull up bar, a kettle bell and an old bench. so far i have needed very little!

  2. We would be best friends!! Life's a mix of fits and spurts, starts and stops, with a big swig of inspiration and enthusiasm daily! We are generally active and clean eating over here with occasional feasting...okay possibly weekly feasting when we see family :) We did Crossfit for a year or so till they moved locations and then the crazy hormones kicked in and the tunics happened. But...I have to tell you...we found a local, neighborhood trainer guy and I've been at it 7 months--along with copying your meals of "everything on top of a salad! TUNICS are a thing of the past. Do I dare tell you I can do 200 man pushups??!! I feel like I'm flyin' at 50! Go get em' Ivey!! Everything you gain in strength now, you take into the next decade :))xoxo

    1. WHAT!!!! 200 MAN PUSH UPS! YOU ARE SICK!!!! the best possible way, my dear!!!! I am getting on a plane to come feel your muscles! Seriously! That's amazing. I am drinking my black bleh coffee and the first thing on my list is to go get some sort of coconut creamer after work. And then do my WOD...I am in the girl push-up phase and can't do ANYTHING with my kids around because I get so tickled at their remarks! And hell yes to no more tunics! Maybe over that bikini at the beach! And yes, we WOULD be best friends!!! Rock on sister!

  3. Ivey!! If I ever get a spare moment to check out a blog--which is too rarely--it's yours!! Two things: first, thanks for the motivation! I researched the Whole30 for myself last night--amazing. Second, Damn you. Why did you have to spur us all on when we are obviously miserably happy in our too-tight skinny jeans and muffin tops???

    Can a vegetarian actually even do this???? Let me know if you know. No meat. No fish. I live off legumes and peanut butter. Maybe you've heard while eavesdropping from some of your Durango exercise moms! ;) Ahhhhh.....then again, I can do anything fro 30 days. Wait.....does that mean no wine for Christmas holidays??????????? Iveyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

    I'm in.

    Lastly, can you please post a pic soon of your creamy, freckled Della. Thanks again for sharing the beauty and magic of your life. Here's to health and happiness.

    1. The Whole 30/It Starts with Food addresses being able to do the Whole 30 as a Veggie in their book. It's not optimal and requires work but it is doable. Check out the book at the library if you can.

    2. hi heather!
      the woman that i heard about this from is vegetarian and she said she ate a whole lotta eggs...she is the first commenter on this thread, so click on her name and go to her blog for more info...she doesn't write about it a ton but would welcome any questions...she's a love! hope you and yours are well! saw some cute photos of ben and family this morning on thinking of heading that way for all the cousins can dog pile! xoxox

  4. Thanks for the push I needed. I fell off the wagon a month or so ago and the fear of what it will feel like to go for a run now has kept me making excuses! Ugh! Thanks for the mojo boost! You go momma! And yes, I do think you and my momma are kindred spirits ;)

  5. You can live in Denver and not exercise, but Boulder is just like Durango. It seems like everyone is a super athlete there. It's a good thing the gym is on the agenda today! I'm not sure I have the discipline to cut out sugar although as a diabetic I should limit it. My will power sucks.

  6. This is awesome, keep us posted on how it's going. I've often thought of doing crossfit but couldn't afford the membership so I do various cross fit type exercises at home, so I'm glad you posted the link to cross fit mama's. Just the other day I pushed and rolled and heaved 4 truck tires up our mountain to the shed for winter storage, and all I could think of was this is cross fit.

    1. hello dear! I can't afford it either and am liking doing it at home for now. you might could just start a whole new trend rolling tires. give it a catchy name and we'll market the hell out of it! :)

  7. Exercise? Isn't that what unloading the dishwasher is for?
    ; )

  8. Oye! Decay she says. I have been living cleanly for quite awhile now and feel fantastic. I have been toying with the idea of Crossfit, but like you I think I would end up a heaping mess of disgrace. Good luck, and you are right you have a whole lot ahead of you.

  9. I've seen this cross fit site before; I especially liked the part about "less bulky on top/more feminine" because I want to be healthy and all...but not super muscular, you know? Right on Ivey! You are inspiring; doing this during the holidays. I will jump on the wagon as soon as I start sleeping longer than 4 hours stretches, K?


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