June 6, 2011

kickstart a friend

My friend Grant is going after his dream. And it's fun to see a dream that becomes reality. Grant has put years into this, a whole lifetime really, and kickstarter is a literal kick in the pants in the process. For those of you who haven't heard about kickstarter, it's an internet clearing house for funding creative projects. The concept is wonderful in that 'everyman' can support the arts and the creative spirit in small amounts that add up.

So check this out.

We talked today, and he's very close to his goal. So close. With kickstarter, you only get your funding if you meet your goal. (don't worry, no one pays up till the end, sort of like ebay for talent!)

All pocket change welcome! (click on the blue writing under the video to go to his site to donate)

Good luck, friend!


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